Jan 15, 1075
Pope Gregory VII banned lay investiture
Pope Gregory VII banned lay investiture which is the appointment of religious officials by kings or nobles. -
Jan 15, 1077
Henry crossed the Alps
King Henry forced Pope Gregory to forgive him by standing outside of the castle for three days and asked forgiveness from Pope Gregory, and of course, by obligation, he forgave him. -
Pope Gelasius Realizes Conflict
Pope Gelasiusre I realizes the conflicts that could arise between two great forces (The Church and the State). He wrote "There are two powers by which this world is chiefly ruled: the sacred authority of the priesthood and the authority of the king." -
The Crowning of Charlemagne
The Pope crowns Charlemange Emperor of Rome -
Otto is Crowned King
Otto formed a close alliance with the Church. Otto used his power to destroy German princes.