
  • Birthdate

    I was born at 5:42 in the evening and my mom mom went to get gas for the first time because she does not do it my grandfather does it.
  • Period: to

    Birthdate To end of Year

  • First Steps

    My mom said i walk from the Kicthen to the living foom fell got up and headed tolds the stairs
  • First Game of baseball

    My first Tee Ball Game. It was also the game i got my very first hit
  • First Flag Practice

    I got to go to 4 different coaches. And on that same pratice i got to run the ball three times
  • First day of kindergarden

    I walked in met my class and my teachers. I had a very nice class and a really good and nice teacher.
  • First undefeated Year in Football

    We won the last game of the season 28-0. It was the final game of our undefeated season
  • Second Year undefeated

    We went undefeated in back to back years. We won theat game 7-6
  • Won championship on my birthday

    The one game i did not walk. I go a single and two doubles a career high with 3 RBIs it was the best day of baseball for me
  • Trip to England and France

    I was a student ambassador which meant i could go to France and England for two weeks. With out my parents but i had a lot of chapeones.
  • Won first game as a ETR player

    We played aganist a very tall tem. I got 3 tackles and we won 18-8.