
  • Law for the Restoration of the Prfessional Civil Service

    Law for the Restoration of the Prfessional Civil Service
    The government issues the Law for the Restoration of the Prfessional Civil Service which excludese Jews and other political opponents of the Nazis from all service postions. The law initially exempts those who had worked in the civil service sinde August 1, 1914, World War 1, or with a family memever killed in action of WW1.
  • Hitler Abolishes the Office of President

    Hitler Abolishes the Office of President
    Hitler abolishes the office of President and declares himself Fuhrer of the German Reich and People, in additoin to his positions a Chancellor. Hitler’s decisions, not bound by the laws of the state. Hitler becomes the absolute dictator of Germany.
  • Ban on Jehovahs Witness Organization

    Ban on Jehovahs Witness Organization
    Gerrman government bans Jehovahs Witness organizations. Ban is due to them refusing to swear allegiance to the state. There religious convictions forbid an otah of alleginace to serve in the armed forces of any power.
  • Olympic Games Open in Berlin

    Olympic Games Open in Berlin
    The Olympic Games was propaganda. German officials made every effort to portray Germany as a respectable member of the community. They removed anti Jewish signs from public display and restrained anti Jewish activities. Germany also included the fencer Helene Mayer on there Olympic team.
  • Auschwits Established

    Auschwits Established
    Auschwitz concentration camp complex was the largest of its kind. It had 3 main camps, which deployed prisoners forced at labor. 1 of also functioned for an extended period as a killing center. The camps located approximately 37 miles west of Krakow, near the prewar German Polish border in Silesia, an area that Nazi Germany annexed in 1939 after invading and conquering Poland.
  • Jewish Badge

    Jewish Badge
    Reinhard Heydrich decrees that all Jews six years or older are able to wear yellow Star of David on their clothing in public at all times. The word Jew inscribed inside of the star in the llocal or german language.
  • Deportation of Dutch Jews

    Deportation of Dutch Jews
    Authorities in the deportation of Dutch Jews from the Westerbork, Amersfoort camps in the Netherlands to killing centers. By September 3, 1944, 100 trains carried more than 100,000 people to Auschwitz, Sobibor, Theresienstadt, and Bergen-Belsen, about 60,000 Jews to Auschwitz, 34,000 Jews to Sobibor.
  • Operation Harvest Festival

    Operation Harvest Festival
    SS and police units implement Aktion Erntefest for the murder of the Jewish laborers in concentraion camps and forced labor camps Trawniki and Poniatowa.
  • Auschwitz Report

    Auschwitz Report
    Alfred Wetzler and Rudolf Vrba fomer escapies form Auschwitz and wrote an report with very reiable eyewitness accounts. Romanian diplomat Florian Manoliu was assisting George Mandel to rescue efforts, a copy of the Protocol was immediately taken to Mantello in June. The Protocol’s importance, Mantello copied it, translated it, distributed it to the clergy which then launched a worldwide press.
  • Germanys Surrender

    Germanys Surrender
    Soviet forcers cirlce Berlin, Germanys captial at the time. On the same day Soviet forces are linked u pwith American counteraprts while they are attacking from the west central of Germany. Heavy fighting Soviet forces neared Adolf Hitler’s bunker in central Berlin, April 30, 1945, Hitler committed suicide.