
By wp18222
  • Jewish are not German People.

    The nazis start a program that limits the rights of jews, this program was to keep jews from becoming part of the German People.
  • Hitler comes into power.

    Hitler becomes chancelor of Germany, he starts to suppress other polictical parties making the Nazi Party, the only one.
  • Boycott

    The government orders a three day ban on jewish buisnesses. storm troopers are placed outside buisnesses to amke sure these laws are being followed.
  • Nuremburg Laws

    The nuremburg laws are created stripping all jews of German citizenshop. Taking all their buisnesses and kicking jewish students out of all public schools.
  • Germans take over Austria

    Germany takes over Austria wich is followed by mass arests and expulsions of jews. Jewish men and women are forced to scrub streets and public bathrooms.
  • Kristallnacht

    The country of germany erupted in Kristallnacht(Night of broken glass). Mobs destroyed 7,000 jewish businesses, burned 195 synagogues, killed 100 jews, and totured and beat thousands more. The police were orded to not interfere, aresst jews, and send them to concentration camps for their own saftey.
  • Invasion of Poland

    Germany invaded poland officialy starting World War II. After taking over poland Germany created ghettos were there forced jewish people to live in them. Tortue and shooting of Polish jews soon followed, with 250,000 killed by december.
  • Germany takes France, Holland, and Belgium

    Germany ivades the three countries and rounds up all the jewish and gypsies, in the end another 400,000 are killed.
  • The final soulution

    Nazi officials meet deciding on the final fate for all jewish people in europe is death. From now on jews would be killed more efficantly in gas chambers troughout all the concentration camps.
  • Invasion of Hungary

    Germany takes control over the deportation of all jews to death camps. Althout photographs have leaked from conditions of the camps, the U.S and Britain refused to bomb the camps.