
  • 1945 BCE


    It ended in May 1945, when the Allied Powers defeated Nazi Germany in World War II.
  • 1933 BCE

    The start an end

    The start an end
    The holocaust started 1933 and then ended May 8, 1945.
  • 1933 BCE


    The holocaust was a very scary time for many people. Over 6 millions Jews were killed during this time along with elderly, people with mental illnesses like autism and so on.
  • holocaust

    The combined set of Nazi beliefs and ideas about race is sometimes referred to as “Nazi racism” or “Nazi racial ideology.” Like other forms of racism, Nazi racism was based on prejudices and stereotypes.
  • holocaust

    Most often individuals contributed to the Holocaust through inaction and indifference to the plight of their Jewish neighbors. Sometimes these individuals are called bystanders.
  • holocaust

    At that time, leaders in much of Christian Europe isolated Jews from most aspects of economic, social, and political life. So no Jews could talk to people from the outside world.
  • holocaust

    There were homes called the "ghettos" for the Jews and mentally ill people. The government would take them away from there family and send them to the "ghettos''
  • Holocaust

    The Holocaust is also sometimes referred to as “the Shoah,” the Hebrew word for “catastrophe.”