Holocaust unit

By adamisa
  • Treaty of Versailles

    A treaty in witch Germany had to loose land loose militarily and pay back winners
  • Hyperinflation

    Prices rise very rapidity to fast. (price of bred)
  • Beerhall Putsch

    Hitler attempts to over throw the German government
  • Hitler on trial

    Uses trial to give huge speech further blaming Jews for problums of Germany He wrote a book called
  • Period: to

    Weimar Repblic

    (Republic stile government) The present was a popular war hero named Hindenburg.
  • Anne Frank is Born

    Event: Anne Frank’s family goes into hiding
    July 9th, 1942
    Describe why Anne frank went into hiding, and who they went into hiding with, and where they were going into hiding -- Add a map of the annex
    Event - Mr. Frank returns to the annex and finds Anne’s Diary
    Nov. 1945
    Describe the scene when Mr. Frank comes back. Also, explain why her diary was so meaningful and popular for so many people
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

  • Period: to


    After WW1 a man named Adolf Hitler came into power, He turned the government into a dictatorship. He killed ll million Jews. He took away there rights, put them in the geto, sent them to concentration camps and killed them with gas chambers, shooting them, and starved them to death.
  • Reichstag fire

    Hitler blames communists for fire
  • Enabling act

    Hitler went into the office and he becomes dictator.
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nazis needed a way to identify Jews so they could discriminate them.
  • Kristallnacht

    The night of broken glass when the government told the people that they are aloud to rune the Jews things.
  • Ghettos

    Nazis begin rounding up millions of Jews and confining then to Ghettos.
  • Germany invades Poland

    WWII begins because many Jews had died there were 5 times as many Jews in Poland
  • Euthanasia Program Begins

    Killing to take away the pain
    Put them out of there miscarry
    People died if they had and illness or a physical disability
  • First death camp

    Vans with small gas chambers in the rear are used
  • Wannsee Conference

    Came up with a way of killing all of the Jews finely solution
  • Period: to


    Mobil killing squad
    Bullets are better used in the war
    Jews will know what was going on
    The shooters are scared after they shoot the people
  • Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

    Residents smuggled weapons in
    Uprising lasted for about a month
    SS troops arrested and deported residents after the uprising ended
  • Period: to

    Camp Relbellions

    At death camps prisoners fight back a Treblinka & Auschwitz-Birkenau
  • Period: to

    death marches

    natizes would vacuity the Jews and they died along the way
  • Liberated

    Camps are freed by alies
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide rather that face capture by the Soviet Red Army
  • Displaced Person Camp

    A waiting place for former prisoners.
  • Period: to

    Nuremberg Trials

    Internal community put a number of Germans on trial for war crimes.
    Crimes against peace and crimes against humanity.