Treaty of Versailles
Ended WWI and making a long miserable years for Germany because they were on the losing side they lose land,lose Military, and owe a huge amount of dept. -
Beerhall Putsch
Hitler attempts to overthrow the government but fails. -
Period: to
Where prices of dept higher and prices of other items -
Hitler is convicted of treason
Hitler gets out of death penalty and slowly gains popularity -
Period: to
Wiemar Republic
Germany Goverment style -
Anne Frank is born
https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.independent.co.uk%2Fs3fs-public%2Fthumbnails%2Fimage%2F2015%2F03%2F13%2F13%2FAnne Frank.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.independent.co.uk%2Fnews%2F72-years-historians-new-theory-anne-frank-holocaust-nazi a7482481.html&docid=J6fuhnGhmPIhcM&tbnid=Wb3buaPVdd9VDM%3A&vet=1&w=2048&h=1536&bih=727&biw=1536&q=anne%20frank&ved=0ahUKEwjo_KKS5v7RAhUq5YMKHcS2AMcQMwgwKAAwAA&iact=mrc&uact=8 -
Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germany
he rules Germany and then slowly manipulates and brainwashes Germany over time during his reign -
Reichstag Fire
Hitler blames communist for fire that the Nazi party started -
Enabling Act
Hindenburg gives power to Hitler and got rid of rivals, discrimination of Jews started -
Nuremberg Laws
all laws that discriminated against Jews -
Period: to
Period: to
1938-1935 the Germans tortured and killed 11 million innocent people -
The first act of the Holocaust. The Germans burned Synagogues, broke windows of Jewish houses and stores. -
The Night of the Long Knives
Hitler purges the Nazi party who was a threat to him -
Germany Invades Poland
Germany invades Poland to gain more land -
Euthanasia Program
systematically killing people deemed unworthy of life due to physically disability or mental illness -
Wannsee Confrence
Nazi leaders approve the "Final Solution" or plan to exterminate all the Jews -
Period: to
Mobile killing squads that rounded up Jews form newly occupied areas and kill them mostly by shooting. -
Frank family goes into hiding
The Frank's go into hiding because the Germans have invaded Amsterdam and since they are Jewish they would be sent to the concentration camps -
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
The people fought back against the Nazis -
Period: to
Camp Rebelions
Prisoners fight back against Nazis in camps -
Period: to
Death March Camp
Nazis evacuate camps to avoid Allies -
Liberation of Concentration Camps
The day the Allies defeated the Nazi party in WWII and freed any remaining people still working at concentration camps -
Hitler Commits Suicide
Germany surrenders withing a week -
Mr Frank returns to the Annex
Mr frank returns to the Annex. Meip was there and they started looking for thing and cleaning up and Mr Frank found Anne's diary and starts to read it.