Treaty of Versailles
- lost LOTS land
- lose military
- pay back money to winners
- unfair to Germany
- blamed their loss on the Jews
Price of Bread
Cost of a 2lbs loaf of bread December 1920- 3.37 marks
December 1921- 3.90 marks
December 1922- 163.15 marks
January 1923- 474 marks
July 1923- 3,465 marks
August 1923- 69,000 marks
September 1923- 1.512 million marks
October 1923- 1.743 billion marks
November 1923- 201 billion marks
December 1923- 399 billion marks -
Hyper Inflation
- prices rise too fast
- gets out of control
- beyond government control
Beerhall Putsch
- Hitler tries to overthrow the German government
- did NOT work
- Hitler was arrest
Hitler on Trial
- admits he tried to overthrow government
- spins it into something good for him
- newspaper prints what he says
- gains lots of fans
- only gets 9 months in jail
- fancy time in jail
- got to talk to people and stigmatize
- wrote a book "My fight/ struggle"
- book was just his thoughts
Period: to
Republic style of Government
-vote for people who make decisions
- Example: america
- have president -
Period: to
Republic Style Government
- people vote for people to represent us
- Like USA
- had that while Hitler was rising to power
Great Depression
- stock market crashes
- Hitlers popularity kicked off
Anne Frank is born
Became Chancellor
- Hitler became the leader of Germany
- Was nonviolent at this point
- He took Germany because they were sad because of loosing a war and were venerable
- was in 3rd power place
- Hitler has power but not too much
Reichstag Fire
- blames communists for fire
- reichstag = white house/ capital
- nazi did it
- blamed it on communist
Enabling Act
- gives Hittler power to make decisions
- within a few months all other political parties besides the Nazis were eliminated
- allowed Hitler to get rid of all his rivals
- Bumped him from #3 to #1
- supposed to only be "temporary"
Mass killing of 11 million people by the Nazis and Hitler, the dictator of Germany. -
Nuremburg Law
- Jewish people had their rights taken away
- Example: forced to live in ghetto, had to wear badges, etc.
- decided who's Jewish and who is not
Impact of Nuremburg Laws
- denied citizenship
- forbade Jews from marrying non Jews (cant marry)
- punishments ~ fines. imprisonment, hard work
- can not wave their national flag
Smuggling/ Ghetto
- take something somewhere where its not to supposed to be
- EX: taking candy into the movies under coat or in pocket
- In Ghetto ~ removing bricks from center of wall ~ jump the walls ~ kids are #1 smugglers in ghettos because they're small, fast, and innocent
- 400,00 for every 1.3 square mile area
- Day of broken glass burned Jewish churches
- arrested every Jewish male on the street
- smashed windows
- was first sign of violence
Germany Invades Poland
- starting of the war
Period: to
- places where the Jews had to live
- filled with diseases and bad things
Euthanasia Program
-systematically killing those deemed "unworthy of life" due to physical disability/ mental illness - 80,000 people - -
- Germany invades Poland
- told their countries he just wanted some of his land back and then later breaks his promise and invaded Poland
- 3 million more Jews come into Nazi power from Poland
- Nazis put Jews into Ghettos
- Ghetto~ bad part of town, more crime, more disease, "the hood"
- moved Jews in there to keep an eye on them
- walled them in there
- not allowed to leave
-taken forcibly
-played mind games with them ¨work will set you free¨
-packed into trains
-no light, air, or breaks
-many died on the way
-everything was taken from them
-Gas chamber and labor
-Killed people in gas chamber who were pregnant, too young, too old, sick, disabled etc.
-after dead hair was shaved and teeth were taken out
-all living people had jobs
- worked till they died
-bread made of saw dust and soup from rotten veggies -
Zyklon B
- first death camp
- the gas used to kill people
- didn't have to waste bullets anymore
- made gas chambers
- kill lots of people in a short amount of time
- discover how dangerous it can be
- first test it in 1941
- easiest method to kill
- used for mass extermination
Wannsee Conference
- "final solution"
- Nazi gathered in fancy hotel
- exterminate ALL Jews
- all people approved
Period: to
- mobile killing squads
- men killing Jewish people
- gather them all up and kill them
- 33,000 people out of a town
- 700 people an hour
- normally shooting them down in rows of about 15 people at once
- waste lots of bullets
Anne's Family Goes into hiding
- They were jews
- Hitler hated jews
- wanted to kill off all the jewish people
- they were in serious danger
- Nazis were going to kill them or send them to concentration camps
- went into hiding
- went with the Van Dan family
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
- residents smuggled weapons in to the ghetto
- Uprising lasted for about a month
- SS troops arrested and deported residents after the uprising ended
- SS are Germans in charge of the ghettos
- "go out guns a blazing"
- hand guns and a few explosives
- weak weapons at first them more powerful weapons at the end
- killing German soldiers and taking their weapons
- first few shot were from buildings while they're walking around
- "went down without a fight"
- raises their spirits
Period: to
Camp Rebellion
- beat guards with fists
- took their weapons
- armed they went into the weapon storage
- blew up crematorium
- Nazi send messages to kill other random people
Period: to
Death Marches
- allies moved toward death camps
- Nazis evacuate prisoners
- march them into Germany to avoid capture
- brutal treatment and harsh along the way
- shot the slow and sick people who could not move the pace they wanted
- some prisoners move to several death marches
- killed people along the way
- some froze over night because it was mostly during winter
- had to keep up at fast pace or else killed
- leaving cause camps are being liberated
- have to get out of the camps and go somewhere else
Allies defeated the Nazis and Hitler. They went to camps and saved all the people who were left. Many people still do NOT know what happened to their family. -
D.P. Camps
- Displaced person camps
Nuremberg Trials
- camps throughout Europe are liberated by Allied forces
- can not do death marches because not enough camps left
- leaving prisoners behind and Nazi leave
- this is a good ting
- Allies are fighting against them
- liberated means to be freed
Death of Hitler
- Hitler commits suicide
- he kills himself rather than face capture by the Soviet Red Army
- wife drinks poison
- he shoots himself
- told them to burn their bodies so the Soviet Red Army couldn't even take their bodies
- Germany surrenders within a week
Mr. Frank returns to the annex
- finds annes diary
- weak from concentration camp
- upset and very sad