Holocaust Timeline - modern civ 2020

  • Jewish Boycott

    Jewish Boycott
    After Hitler came into power the Nazis staged an economic boycott against the Jews of Germany. It only lasted one day and was ignored by the majority of the German population. Yet it marked the beginning of a nationwide campaign by the Nazis against the German Jewish population.
  • Restoration of the Proffesional Civil Services

    Restoration of the Proffesional Civil Services
    This law removed all Jews from the goverment service. There was another law on April 7th the law on the Addmission to the Legal Profession. This forbid all Jews from taking the bar exam, which is a test needed to become a lawyer.
  • Acting and animals

    Acting and animals
    In 1934 the Nazis forbid Jewish actors from preforming on the stage or the screen. Another deterrent that happened this year was that the local governments issued regulations on other parts of Jewish life. In some places the Jews were no longer allowed to slaughter animals which prevented them from obeying Jewish dietary laws. I couldn’t find a picture so I put a picture of a 1934 movie.
  • The Nuremberg laws

    The Nuremberg laws
    The Nuremberg laws were anti Semitic and racist laws in Nazi Germany. The laws were the law for the protection of German Blood and German Honor, and the Reich Citizenship law. The blood law forbid marriage and extramarital intercoursebetween Jews and Germans, and the employment of German females in Jewish households under the age of 45. The citizenship law declared that only those with German blood were eligible to be Reich citizens.
  • Jewish Teachers banned

    Jewish Teachers banned
    On October 15th the Reich Minestry of Education banned Jewish teachers from teaching in public schools. In universities, all Jewish professors were dismissed. This had a huge impact because these professors made up twelve percent of German professors. In 1936 Jews were also banned from the veteranian profession and from being tax consultants.
  • Berlin

    In 1937 on April 9th the mayor of Berlin ordered public schools boot to allow Jewish students to attend until further notice. This divided the Jews and the Germans even more. This is a lot like what out goverment is doing with the corona virus except every one is taken out not just certain people.
  • Jewish Jobs in 1938

    Jewish Jobs in 1938
    On February 5th Jews were banned from being auctioneers. On April 22nd Jewish businesses were forbidden from changing their names so that they couldn’t camouflage that they were a Jewish business. On November 12th all Jewish owned businesses were closed. On December 21st Jews were banned from being midwives.
  • Personal wealth of Jews

    Personal wealth of Jews
    On April 26th all Jewish people were required to report all property that cost over 5,000 reichsmarks. On December 14th there was an exuctive order on the Law on the Organization of National Work. This law canceled all state contracts held with Jewish-owned firms in order to attack the Jews economically.
  • Law on alteration of Faimily and Personal Names.

    Law on alteration of Faimily and Personal Names.
    This law requires German Jews bearing first names of non - Jewish origin to adopt an additional name. For men this name would be Israel and for women it would be Sara. This was a way for the Nazis to permanently separate Jews from the rest of the German population.
  • Decree Regarding Physiciancs Services with the National Health Service

    Decree Regarding Physiciancs Services with the National Health Service
    This law affected Jewish doctors and in turn Jewish Health care. Under this legislation patients who saw a non-Aryan doctor would not be covered under the national health insurance. Therefors excluding Jewish doctors from German society.