Holocaust Timeline

  • Hitler's rise to power

    Hitler's rise to power
    Becomes appointed chancellor in the Reichstag
  • Boycotts of Jew owned shop

    Boycotts of Jew owned shop
    Nazis initiated a boycott on all jew owned
  • Nazi race laws

    Nazi race laws
    Gave Jews cards to prove they are Jews and restricted their citizenship
  • Hitler makes Austria German territory

    Hitler makes Austria German territory
    Unleashed a wave of humiliation and many Austrian Jews tried leaving the country
  • "Night of Broken Glass"

    "Night of Broken Glass"
    Nazis burned synagogue and unleashed anti-jewish violence in Germany
  • Rejection of Jews

    Rejection of Jews
    Boat carrying Jewish passengers got landing certificates removed due to fear of Germany.
  • War begins

    War begins
    Some warsaw sections lay in ruins after being invaded by germans
  • Postwar trials

    Postwar trials
    War criminals were charged with their war crimes against humanity