
Holocaust Timeline

By MirahQ
  • Hitler became Chancellor

    Hitler became Chancellor
    Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany in 1933 following a series of electoral victories by the Nazi Party. Source: How Did Adolf Hitler Happen?
  • Boycotting of Jewish shops

    Boycotting of Jewish shops
    Nazis initiated the boycott of Jewish shops and businesses across Germany.
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nuremberg Laws
    The Nuremberg Laws were laws that restricted Jews from doing things like marrying Non-Jews, studying Law or Medicine, and they could not attend German schools or universities.
  • Jews tried evacuating Austria

    Jews tried evacuating Austria
    Austria was incorporated into Germany and many Jews lined up at stations to try and get out as soon as possible.
  • "Night of Broken Glass"

    "Night of Broken Glass"
    A way to punish the Jewish people after a young Jew shot a German officer and many businesses and houses were destroyed, men were taken to concentration camps, and few were dead
  • St. Louis sailed

    St. Louis sailed
    In May 1939, the St. Louis traveled from Germany to Cuba while carrying 937 passengers, mostly being Jewish people. Cuba revoked their landing certificates, the United States denied them access into entering and got sent back to Germany to later die in the Holocaust.
  • Germany invaded Poland

    Germany invaded Poland
    September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland and it led to World War 2
  • WW2 begins

    WW2 begins
    Due to Germany invading Poland, Great Britain and France declared war on Germany, becoming WW2
  • Hitler commits Suicide

    Hitler commits Suicide
    Hitler consumes a Cyanide Capsule and shoots himself in the head, killing himself.