Holocaust Timeline

  • Nazi Boycott of Jewish Businesses

    Nazi Boycott of Jewish Businesses
    This was a boycott of ALL Jewish shops and businesses. Of course, it was taken out by the Nazis, and it's important because it marked the first mass action the Nazis took on the Jews. It would only continue to get worse.
  • Period: to

    Holocaust Timeline

  • Death of President Hindenburg

    Death of President Hindenburg
    This was the day that German President Paul von Hindenburg died, from lung cancer. This created on open pathway for Hitler to step up. Hitler abolished the office of president, and declared himself dictator; Fuhrer.
  • All Jewish Passports are Stamped with "J"

    All Jewish Passports are Stamped with "J"
    On this day, every Jewish citizen's passport was required to be stamped with the letter "J". This was in order to prevent the Jews from pretending to be Christians and going the nearest safe/neutral country: Switzerland. At this point, Jews were basically on a lockdown in Germany.
  • Kristallnacht

    Also known as the November Pogrom, it was a massacre of the Jews by the Nazis. Jewish shops and synagogues were broken into and destroyed, and 91 Jews were killed. Thousands of Jewish men were taken into concentration camps, a terrible time for many, many people. It was the "Night of Broken Glass."
  • Decree on the Elimination of the Jews from Economic Life

    Decree on the Elimination of the Jews from Economic Life
    This decree was issued by the German government, prohibiting all Jews from running and owning businesses, or selling anything at all. Things that Jews used to do all the time now had consequences if done. Over 400 new laws were put in place during Hitler's first six years of power.
  • Completed Construction of Auschwitz-Birkenau

    Completed Construction of Auschwitz-Birkenau
    An extermination camp, forced labor camp, and concentration camp all in one, it was the most brutal camp in Auschwitz. It remained in operation from the time of its completion to January of 1945. It was the second camp of Auschwitz, and altogether, Auschwitz was responsible for 1.1 million deaths through gas chambers alone.
  • Wannsee Conference

    Wannsee Conference
    At this one meeting, a terrible solution was agreed upon. Members of the German Civil Service and Nazi Party met at this conference in Berlin and agreed upon 'Final Solution'. This plan would completely annihilate all European Jews.
  • Hungarian Jews Deported

    Hungarian Jews Deported
    Germany was expanding their territory, and they had occupied Hungary. For Jews, this wasn't a good deal. Almost immediately, they were deported to Auschwitz. In only two months, about 440,000 Jews had been deported from Hungary.
  • Auschwitz Death Marches

    Auschwitz Death Marches
    The Soviets were approaching, so this was a march to evacuate Auschwitz and move to different camps in central Germany. Around 58,000 Auschwitz prisoners marched, and over 15,000 of them died. Their deaths were due to little food, the cold, or just being shot because they struggled to keep up, though these were incredibly long distances to walk.
  • Hitler's Suicide

    Hitler's Suicide
    In his underground bunker in Berlin, Hitler committed suicide after being warned that the Russians would come and take over. He was believed to have had his new wife with him, committing a double suicide. Their dog also may have been used to test the poison they were killed with.