Period: to
New Chancellor of Germany?
Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany -
Only legal party
Nazi Party is declared the only legal party in Germany -
New Military?
Germany introduces military conscription. -
Summer Olympics begin in Berlin. -
World War II ?
Germany invades Poland, starting World War II in Europe. -
Poland Gone ?
The Soviet Union occupies Poland from the east. -
Germany Takes Over
Germany invades Denmark and Norway. -
Western Europe Down ?
Germany attacks western Europe -
Another Battle ?
Battle of Britain begins. -
Bombing ?
Japan bombs Pearl Harbor and the United States declares war the next day. -
Nazis Are Coming
Nazi Germany declares war on the United States. -
Killing The Jews
Germans begin the mass deportation of over 300,000 Jews from the Warsaw ghetto to the Treblinka killing center. -
Rescue of Jews in Denmark. -
Hitler commits suicide -
Germany surrenders to the western Allies.