Holocaust Timeline

  • Hitler Appointed as Chancellor

    Hitler Appointed as Chancellor
    On this day, Hitler was made the Chancellor of Germany.
  • Hitler is Given Emergency Power

    Hitler is Given Emergency Power
    On this day, Hitler received emergency power from a vote.
  • Enabling Acts Passed

    Enabling Acts Passed
    On this day, the Enabling Acts were passed, giving Hitler dictatorial power.
  • Hitler Takes Away Jewish Rights

    Hitler Takes Away Jewish Rights
    Hitler declared that no Jewish immigrant from Poland would have rights.
  • Hitler Bans Jews From Owning Land

    Hitler Bans Jews From Owning Land
    On this day, Hitler made it illegal for any Jew to own land in Germany.
  • Gestapo Placed Above the Law

    Gestapo Placed Above the Law
    In February 1936, Hitler's secret police were placed above the law, meaning they didn't always have to follow it.
  • Hitler Annexes Austria

    Hitler Annexes Austria
    Hitler decided that Austria was rightfully part of Germany, so he decided to annex it.
  • Nazis Destroyed the Synagogue in Nuremberg

    Nazis Destroyed the Synagogue in Nuremberg
    On this day, the Nazis destroyed a Jewish synagogue in Nuremberg, Germany.
  • Kristallnacht

    This is when Germans damaged and destroyed many Jewish businesses.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    This is the day that Germany invaded Poland, sparking WWII.
  • First Resistance by Jews in Warsaw

    First Resistance by Jews in Warsaw
    This was the first time Jews came together to revolt in Warsaw.
  • Germany Surrenders to the Allies

    Germany Surrenders to the Allies
    This day marked the end of World War II.