holocaust timeline assignment

By ary.ana
  • the beginning

    the beginning
    hitler was appointed as the chancellor
  • Reichstag Fire

    Reichstag Fire
    Reichstag building in Berlin was set on fire, the Nazi's gov't exploited the fire and declared a state of emergency. The Reichstag Fire Decree permitted the regime to arrest and incarcerate political opponents without specific charge
  • boycott of Jewish business

    boycott of Jewish business
    Nazis carried out a boycott of Jewish-owned businesses and shops. This was the first mass action the regime took against the Jews of Germany.
  • book burning

    book burning
    University students publicly burned books that were considered ‘un-German’ or written by Jewish authors in Berlin
  • Night Of The Long Knives

     Night Of The Long Knives
    A purge of the SA leadership was ordered by Hitler, who falsely accused them of conspiring against the government. Over 3 days had more than 150 people murdered, including the SA chief.
  • The Nuremberg Laws Are Passed

    The Nuremberg Laws Are Passed
    Hitler announced the Nuremberg Laws. They consisted of two separate laws, the first prohibited marriages and relationships between Jews and Germans, the second stripped Jews of their German citizenship.
  • Exhibition Of ‘Degenerate Art’ Opens

    Exhibition Of ‘Degenerate Art’ Opens
    it presented paintings, sculptures and books from Germany’s public galleries that were considered to be ‘un-German’ and therefore unacceptable.
  • New Compulsory Middle Name For Jews

    New Compulsory Middle Name For Jews
    A law was passed stating that all Jews in Germany were required to adopt a new middle name; ‘Israel’ for men and ‘Sara’ for women. The names had to be registered at the registry office and be used on all official documents.