Images (11)

Holocaust Timeline

  • Hitler Taking Power

    Hitler Taking Power
    Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany.
  • Concentration Camps Open

    Concentration Camps Open
    Dachau concentration camps open
  • Boycott of Jewish Business's

    Boycott of Jewish Business's
    Boycott of Jewish shops and businesses
  • The Gestapo is Established

    The Gestapo is Established
    The Gestapo of Germany is established by Hitler
  • Nuremburg Laws

    Nuremburg Laws
    "Nuremberg Laws": anti-Jewish racial laws enacted; Jews no longer considered German citizens; Jews could not marry Aryans; nor could they fly the German flag
  • Hitler Reichstag Speech

    Hitler Reichstag Speech
    Hitler in Reichstag speech: "if war erupts it will mean the Vernichtung (extermination) of European Jews"
  • Germany takes Czechoslovakia

    Germany takes Czechoslovakia
    Germans occupy Czechoslovakia
  • World War II Starts

    World War II Starts
    World War II starts because Germany invades Poland.