Holocaust Timeline

  • Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor

    Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor
    The Nazi Party assumes they have control when the German President appoints their leader, Hitler, to be Chancellor. This makes members of the Nazi Party members of the coalition.
  • The Reichstag Degree

    The Reichstag Degree
    German Parliament building burned down, which caused the theory that the communist did it. Hindenburg granted the 'Reichstag Fire Decree" to Hitler's coalition government due to an exaggerated threat of a German communist uprising.
  • Concentration Camps

    Concentration Camps
    The Schutzstaffel Protection Squads established the first ss-managed concentration camp.
  • Nuremburg Race Laws

    Nuremburg Race Laws
    The German Government issues a decree requiring civil people to prove that they were fully German, and if you had a Jewish family member then you are considered Jewish "non-Aryan."
  • Law Limits Jews in Public Schools

    Law Limits Jews in Public Schools
    The German government issues a law about overcrowding in schools. Due to that law, the amount of Jewish students allowed is dramatically limited.
  • The Law Against Political Parties

    The Law Against Political Parties
    German parliament issued a law against the Founding of New Political Parties, which establishes the Nazi Party as the sole legal political party in Germany. This causes the party to be a one-party state.
  • Dangerous Habitual Criminals

    Dangerous Habitual Criminals
    German government passes the Law Against Dangerous Habitual Criminals. The law allowed the courts to order indefinite imprisonment of "habitual criminals." if they deem the person dangerous to society.
  • Adolf Hitler Dies

    Adolf Hitler Dies
    Adolf Hiter, leader of the Nazis and dictator of Germany dies. He kills himself in his underground bunker, but there are many rumors of him being alive for longer than that.