Hitler Comes to Power
Reichstag Burning
"Emergency Rights" to Hitler
Dachau, Sachsenhausen, Buchenwald, Ravensbrück camps opened
Nazi Germany Boycotts Jewish shops
Aryan/non-aryan seperation beginns
Nazi Party only Legal party in Germany
Jews are not allowed to own land
Jews are not allowed to be newspaper editors
National health insurance forbidden for Jews
Hitler becomes Führer
Jews banned from the army
Nuremburg race laws issued
Olympic games begin in Berlin - less restrictions for Jews
January: Jews have to withdraw from most jobs.
"Anschluss" of Austria to Germany
Jews have to register wealth and property
Jewish-owned buisnisses have to reigster
Jews are not allowed to sell and trade
Jews over 15 years have to apply for a card to show to police at all times
Jewish doctors are not allowed to work or give any medicine
Synagogue in Nuremberg is destroyed
Sirnames of all jews changed to "Sarah" or "Israel"
Jews prohibited from everything Legal
All idendity cards and passports of jews stamped with "J"
Kristallnacht - Night of broken glass
Kristallnacht - Night of broken glass
Jews have to pay 1,000,000,000 Mark for Kristallnacht damage
Jewish Students banned from non-Jewish schools
All Jewish buisinesses become "Aryan"
Göring takes charge of the "Jewish Question"
Hitler threatens Jews during speech
Jews have to hand over all Gold and Silver
Jews lose all rights
Jews are not allowed to have any government Jobs
Jews are forbidden to be outside after 8pm MET and 9pm MEST
Jews are prepared for deportation in Poland
Jews are forbidden to own radios
Polish Jews have to wear the Davids star
Auschwitz starts to be constructed
Several non-German countries degrade Jews
January: A progrom in Romania kills 2000 Jews
Jews are now deported from Amsterdam
Auschwitz is expanded, Birkenau opened
Forced labor beginns
Communists are officially bein dehumanized
Progrom in Romania, 10,000 Jews dead
Progrom in Romania, 10,000 Jews dead
Majdanek Concentration camp opened
Lithuania progrom kills 3800 jews
Lithuania progrom kills 3800 jews
All Jews have to wear yellow stars
Zyklon-B gas is first used at Auschwitz
Massive deportation beginns
33,751 Jews killed near Kiev
33,751 Jews killed near Kiev
October: 35,000 jews from Odessa shot
Jews are forbidden to emigrate
Mass shooting near Riga
Chelmno camp is opened
Gassing kills 5000 Gypsies and many Jews
January: Mass gassings in Auschwitz
March: Belzec camp is opened
Massive deportation
Massive deportation
Massive deportation
Massive deportation
Jews not allowed to use public transport
May: Sobibor camp opened
June: Gas vans in Riga
2nd gas chamber at Auschwitz
Dutch Jews first deported to Auschwitz
Four gas chambers built at Auschwitz
Mass deportations
Mass deportations
Treblinka camp opened, 10 gas chambers
Less food rations for Jews
Confiscation of nearly everything begins
Revolt at Sachsenhausen ended by SS
Revolt at Sachsenhausen ended by SS
Massive deportations
Mass deportations
Experiments on women begin in Auschwitz
1943: Over 1,000,000 Jews killed
All Gypsies will be deported and arrested
War turnes against Hiler
Jews making armoury in Berlin deported
Nes gas chamber at Auschwitz
New gas chamber at Auschwitz
New gas chamber at Auschwitz
New gas chamber at Auschwitz
42,000 Jes killed in Poland
Mass deportations
106 Deadly operations done at Auschwitz
Mass deportations
Mass deportations
Majdanek camp liberated
Gas chambers not used at Auschwitz
Massive death marches
Germany Surrenders