Beginning of Jewish persecution
In 1933, concentration camps were created and all homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses and people they considered a threat to the regime were placed into them and killed with poison gas. In this time German Jews were under the effects of multiple laws set into place by the Nazi party made specifically for putting the Jews into a corner. -
Holocaust started to extend
Most think the Holocaust only took place in Germany under the rule of Hitler, what people fail to remember is the German empire was vast so when Germany invaded Poland they set up camps there as well. This was just one part of the holocaust there was also public humiliation, having the Jews wear armbands and certain clothing and pretty much publicly proclaiming that they're Jewish -
Birth of Auschwitz
After Germany extended into Poland and took over land they made a concentration camp in Oswiecim later changed to Auschwitz. This is one of the most well known concentration camps all for the fact that this camp primarily specialized in killing Jews. You knew if you were being transferred here you would be tortured and killed in heinous ways and it left an imprint on the Jewish people. -
Warsaw Ghetto sealed
IN the city of Warsaw was one of the biggest ghettos where the Jewish population made up more than 30% of the collective population. The Germans saw this as a threat seeing as though the Jews could rise up and rebel whenever they wanted to. So with this in mind the Germans erected a 20 foot wall to separate the two cities and only soldiers and government appointed officials. -
Deportations of Jews and Gypsies
In 1942 German officials began moving Jews and gypsies from the Lodz Ghetto to the Chelmno killing center. Between December 1941 and March 1943 and again in June–July 1944, at least 167,000 Jews and approximately 4,300 Roma (Gypsies) are killed at Chelmno. -
Second Auschwitz established
As if the first Auschwitz wasn't enough, in 1942 a camp was opened and was named "Auschwitz II" it started out as a labor camp from Soviet prisoners of war and Polish prisoners. However, after Germany had taken Poland they made this camp a killing center for Soviet prisoners of War, Polish prisoners, and Jews. -
Krakow Ghetto liquidated
German police came into the Krakow ghetto and killed approximately 2,000 Jews in the ghetto and transfer another 2,000 Jews. The SS and Police transport approximately 3,000 more Krakow Jews to Auschwitz-Birkenau, where the camp authorities select 499 men and 50 women for forced labor. The rest, approximately 2,450 people, are murdered in the gas chambers. -
Danish Jews escape
From September 20 into October, 1943, approximately 7,200 Danish Jews escape to Sweden with the help of the Danish resistance movement and many individual Danish citizens. They had a Underground Railroad of sorts to get the Jews from one place to another. They blended in with the Danish refugees and became apart of the society.