Holocaust Timeline

  • The start of it all

    The start of it all
    Hitler was appointed chancellor under the Weimer
  • Nuremburg laws

    Nuremburg laws
    the Nazi's passed the Nuremburg Laws. This deprived the Jews of German citizenship and restricted them of many things.
  • Broken glass

    Broken glass
    a young Jew shot and wounded a German Diplomat for mistreating his parents. Hitler started the “ Night
    of Broken Glass” as a retaliation
    to this. Nazi led mobs attacked Jewish
    communities all over Germany.
  • Sealing the ghetto

    Sealing the ghetto
    German authorities sealed the
    Warsaw ghetto, severely restricting supplies for the
    more than 300,000 Jews living there.
  • The journey

    The journey
    A railcar took the Jews to concentration camps. Many died during the extreme conditions of the
    journey, and most survivors were murdered upon
    arrival at the killing centers.
  • concentration camp

    concentration camp
    taken off the trains and assembled at the largest of the killing centers,The overwhelming majority of Jews who entered the Nazi killing centers were murdered in gas
    chambers—usually within hours of arrival—and their
    bodies cremated
  • Visiting camps

    Visiting camps
    Eisenhower visited the camp to witness personally the
    evidence of atrocities. He publicly expressed his shock and revulsion, and he urged others to see the camps firsthand
  • Post War Trials

    Post War Trials
    major war criminals were tried on charges of crimes against peace, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and conspiracy to commit such crimes.
  • The death of Hitler

    The death of Hitler
    died by suicide via gunshot on 30 April 1945 in Berlin after it became clear that Germany would lose the Battle of Berlin.