Time toast project 1

Holocaust Timeline

  • Invasion

    Japan invades Manchuria, creating hostility in the far east
  • Presidential Election

    Presidential Election
    After losing to Paul von Hindenburg in the presidential election for Germany, Hitler runs for the position as Chancellor
  • Nazi Party takes control

    Nazi Party takes control
    Adolf Hitler is named Chancellor, this causes the new government to be taken over by nazism
  • Total Control

    Total Control
    After being appointed Chancellor, Adolf Hitler declares himself as the "absolute leader" of Germany
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nuremberg Laws
    The Nuremberg laws are set against the Jews, essentially stripping them of their German citizenship and basic human rights
  • Lebensraum

    Hitler had a secret conference in the Reich Chancellery in which he reveals his plans to gain lebensraum "living space"
  • Kristallnacht

    "Night of broken glass." After a Jewish boy defended his father from a Nazi, Hitler issued for Jewish homes, synagogues, and businesses to be destroyed
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    Germany invades Poland in September, causing World War 2. Great Britain, and France declare war on Germany. The first "Ghetto" is created for housing the Jews in November. Jews also must wear the star of david "identifying" themselves.