Persecution Begins
Shortley after Hitler took power in Germany, he ordered all "non Aryans" to be removed from goverment jobs. This order was one of the frst moves in a campaign for radical purity that eventually led to the holocaust. -
The Condemned
The Nazis had concentrated on silencing theier political opponnts--communists socialists, liberals, and anyone else who spoke out against the goverment. -
Jaws Targeted
The Nuremberg Laws stripped Jews of their German citizenship, jobs, and property. To make it easier for the Nazis to identify them, Jews had to wear a bright yellow Star of David attatched to their clothing. -
Became known as Kristallnacht, or "Night of Broken Glass." Nazi storm troopers attacked Jewish homes, buisnesses, and synagogues across Germany. -
St. Louis
Official indifference to the plight of Germany's Jews was in evidence in the case of the ship St. Louis. Althought 740 of the liner's 943 passengers had U.s immigrationpapers, the Coast Guard followed the ship to prevent anyonw from embarking in America. -
The Final Solution
The final solution is a policy of genocide, the deliberate and systematic killing of an entire empire. This rested on the belief that Aryans were a superior people and that the stregnth and purity of this "Master Race" must be preserved. Groups included Gypsies, Freemasons, and Jehovah's Witnesses. -
Death Camps
Living for the Jews was called "Ghettos". Life inside the ghettos was miserable. Bodies of victems piled up in the srteets faster than they could be removed. Consentration camps was a cycle of hunger, humiliation, and work that almost always ended in Death. -
The Final Stage
Hitlers top oficals agreed begin a new phase of the mass murder of Jews. they came up with a new method of using gas chambers. This method killed up to 12,000 Jews a day.