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holocaust timeline

  • Hitler is sworn into power

  • Period: to

    holocaust timeline

  • emergency powers

    Hitler is granted emergency power as a result of the Nazis burning a building to make a statement.
  • Hitler is given dictatorial power

    this means he now has total control over the government
  • Nazis boycott Jewish shops and businesses

  • Gestapo is born

    created by Hermann Göring in the German state of Prussia.
  • Nazi Party is declared the only legal party in Germany

    Also, Nazis pass Law to strip Jewish immigrants from Poland of their German citizenship.
  • Nazis start to pass laws on jews

    Jewish are now prohibited from several rights
  • The Night of Long Knives

    occurs as Hitler, Göring, and Himmler conduct a purge of the SA (stormtrooper) leadership.
  • German President von Hindenburg dies

    Hitler becomes Führer
  • Nuremberg Race Laws against Jews decreed.

  • Nazis occupy the Rhineland.

  • Nazi troops enter Austria

    Austria has a population of 200,000 Jews, mainly living in Vienna. Hitler announces Anschluss (union) with Austria
  • Nazi troops occupy the Sudetenland.

  • Nazis arrest 17,000 Jews of Polish nationality

    Nazis arrest 17,000 Jews of Polish nationality living in Germany, then expel them back to Poland which refuses them entry, leaving them in 'No-Man's Land' near the Polish border for several months.
  • The St. Louis is turned away by Cuba, the United States and other countries and returns to Europe.

    The St. Louis, a ship crowded with 930 Jewish refugees, is turned away by Cuba, the United States, and other countries and returns to Europe.
  • Nazi troops seize Czechoslovakia (Jewish pop. 350,000)

  • Nazis invade Poland (Jewish pop. 3.35 million, the largest in Europe).

    Beginning of SS activity in Poland.
  • Germany invades France

  • Auschwitz-Birkenau constructed

    the second camp at Auschwitz began. It would soon become the most brutal and overcrowded camp in Germany.
  • Germany starts using gas in Auschwitz

  • Killings At Babi Yar

    The Nazis herded thousands of Jews from Kiev, in the occupied Ukraine, to the nearby ravine of Babi Yar. The Jews were forced to undress and hand over their valuables and then shot. Over the course of two days, 33,771 Jews were murdered.
  • Systematic Gassing Begins At Chelmno

    Killing operations began in Chełmno, the first stationary facility using poison gas for mass murder.
  • Deportation Of Jews From The Netherlands

    The deportation of Amsterdam’s Jews from Westerbork transit camp to Auschwitz-Birkenau began.
  • Transportation Of Sinti And Roma To Auschwitz

    A decree was passed stating that all German Sinti and Roma were to be deported to Auschwitz and destroyed.
  • German Army Surrender At Stalingrad

    The German Army surrendered to Soviet forces at Stalingrad, Russia, after 90.000 German soldiers had been encircled for several months. This was a key turning point in World War Two.
  • The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

    The final liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto began. The Jews, armed with pistols and rifles, resisted the Nazis. In response, the Nazis burned down the ghetto and murdered all of its inhabitants. The uprising became a symbol of Jewish resistance.
  • Death March From Auschwitz

    Due to the approaching Soviet Army, 58,000 prisoners of Auschwitz were forced on marches to the concentration and labour camps in central Germany. These marches became known as death marches. Image courtesy of USHMM.
  • Liberation Of Auschwitz

    The Soviet Army liberated Auschwitz and freed the remaining 7,650 prisoners.
  • Liberation Of Bergen-Belsen

    British forces liberated the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.
  • Germany Surrenders

    At 2.41 pm, General Jodl and Admiral Friedeburg signed documents of unconditional surrender at Eisenhower’s headquarters. The following day was declared the Day of Victory in Europe by Churchill and Truman.