Holocaust timeline

By angle12
  • The Condemned

    The Condemned
    The nazis had concentraced on silencingthier polotical opponents communitsts socialists, liberalsand anyone else who spoke out against the goverment. once the nazis had eliminated these enemies they turned againat other groups in germany.
  • The Persecution begins

    The Persecution begins
    shortly after Hitler took power in Germany, he ordered all non aryans to be removed from goverment jobs. this order was one of the first moves in a campaign for racial purity that eventually led to the Holocaust.
  • Jews targeted

    Jews targeted
    The Nuremberg Law stripped jews of thier german citizenship, jobs,and property. To make it easier for the nazis to identify them jews had to wear a bright yellow star of David attached to their clothing.
  • Kristallnacht

    Nazi storm troopers attacked Jewish homes, businesses and synagogues across Germany. Known as the "Night of Broken Glass."
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    this vecame known as kristallnacht or "night of broken glass'. Nazi storm troopers attacked Jewish homes, businesses,and synagogues across germy
  • Cruise of the St. Louis

    Cruise of the St. Louis
    German ocean liner that was sent back to Europe. 740 of the passengers had US immigration papers over half of the passengers were later killed in the Holocaust.
  • The Final Solution

    The Final Solution
    Hitler's plan to rid Europe of Jews, Gypsies, Freemasons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and other Germsn's he found to be unfit such as mentally deficient, homosexuals, physically disabled and mentally ill. They were forced into concentration camps or labor camps.
  • Death Camps

    Death Camps
    The first death camp was built in Chelmno, Auschwitz. These camps were built to kill faster to satisfy the Nazis. The camp had several huge gas chambers in which as many as 12,000 people could be killed a day.
  • The Final Stage

    The Final Stage
    Hitler's top officicals agreed to new phase of mass murder of Jews. Along with strarvation and slaughter, they would use poison gas. The Jews were told they were going to shower and were then gassed. Some were shot, injected with poision, hanged, experimented on and injected with deadly germs.