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Holocaust Timeline

  • Hitler Appointed Chancellor

    Hitler Appointed Chancellor
    Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany on January 30th, 1933 by Paul Von Hindenburg.
  • Anti-Jewish Boycott

    Anti-Jewish Boycott
    The Nazi organization staged an Anti-Jewish protest, less than 3 months after Hitler came to power in Germany. It only lasted on day and most Germans ignored it, however it marked the start of the Nazi campaign that would later be known as the Holocaust.
  • Hitler becomes President of Germany

    Hitler becomes President of Germany
    President Von Hindenburg dies of lung cancer and Adolf Hitler becomes the new President of Germany. He becomes a dictator, there are no limits to his authority.
  • Period: to

    Annexation of Austria

    German soldiers invaded Austria on March 11-13, 1938. They incorporate Austria into Anschluss. A wave of violence against Jews and and their property occurs in the Greater German Reich. This leads to the Kristallnacht riots and the violence of November.
  • Kristallnacht

    Nazis rioted Germany, targeting the Jews and destroying synagogues, schools, and more than 7,000 Jew-owned businesses. Almost 100 Jews were killed.
  • St Louis Sets Sail to Cuba

    St Louis Sets Sail to Cuba
    The St Louis carried over 900 Jewish passengers. They were fleeing from the Nazis in Germany and were headed to Havana, Cuba. Cuba and the US refused to let the refugees in so the ship had to return to Europe. Belgium, France, the Netherlands, and the UK agreed to take in the Jews.
  • Auschwitz is Established

    Auschwitz is Established
    Auschwitz, the largest Jewish concentration camp, was established. Jewish imprisoned here were treated horribly and were forced to do labor. Many of them were killed.
  • Hitler Commits Suicide

    Hitler Commits Suicide
    As Soviet troops are nearing his bunker, Hitler commits suicide. Within days, the Soviets take control of Berlin.