Evan Yancey Holocaust timeline

By poiuytr
  • The start of Nazi Rule

    The start of Nazi Rule
    The Nazi Party and Adolf Hitler come into power. The party began to dehumanize Jewish people and set discriminatory laws. Hitler was then appointed chancellor.
  • The Night of Long knives

    The Night of Long knives
    During this night, Adolf Hitler had many Nazi leaders killed or imprisoned due to them becoming too powerful for his peace of mind. Hundreds of political opponents were also killed as well during this night.
  • The Nuremberg Laws

    The Nuremberg Laws
    The Nuremberg laws were a law that was put into place to "Protect German Blood and Honor". They wanted to put their beliefs into law. They believed the Aryan race was the supreme, "master race" and anyone who wasn't was weak. They truly believed Jews were their race inferior to all other ones.
  • Annexation of other countries

    Annexation of other countries
    Nazi Germany began to annex multiple countries like Austria, the territory of Sudetenland, and the Czech lands. As time went on Hitler had control of most of Europe.
  • Ghettos and The Jewish population

    Ghettos and The Jewish population
    German officials and soldiers forced Jewish people into very packed and diseased places called ghettos. Soldiers would ensure that people couldn't get in or out of the ghettos. Factories and sweatshops were created to exploit the "free" workforce.
  • The Start of the C.C Camps and the answer to the Jewish question

    The Start of the C.C Camps and the answer to the Jewish question
    It was the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question" and was the genocide of millions of Jewish people and non-pure Germans. When allies saved people from theses places they were in disbelief at the horrors they saw there.
  • The Invasion of Poland and Soviet Russia

    The Invasion of Poland and Soviet Russia
    Germany started WW II by invading Poland and in only a few years Germany had occupied most of Europe, and western parts of Soviet Russia. At the same time, they allied with Italy, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria.
  • The formation of Killing Squads

    The formation of Killing Squads
    After the invasion of the Soviet Union, multiple, massive killing squads began to carry out mass shootings of local Jews.
  • The end of WW II and The Holocaust

    The end of WW II and The Holocaust
    The Holocaust comes to an end when the major Allied Powers defeated Nazi Germany in World War II.