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Holocaust Timeline

  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

    Hitler becomes Chancellor
    Hitler is appointed chancellor due to popularity, and to keep him under control. Although this would fail miserably.
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    Many Jews were in Poland, so when Poland was invaded Jews were caught and sent to camps. This happened in 1939.
  • Auschwitz is made

    Auschwitz is made
    after the annexing of Oświęcim, Auschwitz was formed. Known as "main camp" in German, it killed the most Jews out of all of the camps.
  • The final solution

    The final solution
    on 1941 the Nazis started the final solution. Where they went to kill as much Jews as possible
  • Kill squads

    Kill squads
    in 1941 killing squads were mobilized made to kill Jews. They were quick, and effective.
  • Treblinka ghetto revolt

    Treblinka ghetto revolt
    On August 2 1943, about 1000 imprisoned Jews would grab weapons from a camp, and later set fire to that camp. Out of those 1000, 200 escaped, 500 were captured/executed, and the rest died fighting.
  • Deportation from Krakow

    Deportation from Krakow
    Krakow was a popular Jewish ghetto. On 1943 the Jews were deported to a concentration camp
  • Countries cooperate with Germany

    Countries cooperate with Germany
    These countries helped Germany make the Holocaust bigger. They deported many Jews to Germany to aid Germany