Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany
the nazi party was not favored by the geramn people at first but the weakness of the weimar system, hitlers powerful speaches, and germany needing new hope of the economy. Hitler eventually won over starting his attack on the jewish people. -
Government organized boycott on jewish stores
on April First hitler ordered his storm stroopers to boycott jewish stores, destroying their business. this is to be one of the fist major blows from hitler to the jewish people. -
nazi party set to be the sole political party of Germany
Using propaganda hitler assured the nazi pary to be the only in contol of the government, making the party seem glorious to the country and hiding all of its faults and disorganization. -
The night of long knives
One of the most remembered nights in history hitler ordered tthe ss to systimatically murder jewish leaders. making the jewish people have less power and weaker then before. -
nuremberg laws established
This law passed "defined what a jew was. Deciding if they where to be predjudice by the nazi party this included anyone against hitler. -
concentration camp Buchenwald is opened
Buchenwald was one of the many conentration champs across eurpoe established by the germans to force work upon jews, murder, and burn them. -
Kristallnacht, know as the night where nazi troops burn jewish synagogues and other sacred places.