Period: to
Treaty of Versaillies Signed
Adolf Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germay
Dachau Concentration Camp Opened
Jewish shops Boycotted
Till April 20th -
All books by Jewish authors burned.
Hitler appoints himself Fuher
Jews banned from serving in German forces
Buchenwald Camp Opened
All Jews (15+) must carry I.D. Papers
Polish Jews deported Germany
Kristallnacht "Night of Breaking Glass."
"Kristallnact", Also refered to as the Night of the Broken Glass, the night where Nazi's assaulted German Jew stores, resulting in approx. 91 dead Jews. -
Jewish Pupils Expelled From School
Jewish people are forced to give up theri shops.
Ravenbruck Camp Opened
Jews Aboard SS ST.Louis Denied Acess to Cuba and the U>S>
Ghettonization of Polish Jews.
Nazi Party attacks Poland, begining WWII
Jews Have to Wear Stars of David
Lodz, Poland Ghetto Established
Auschwitz Death Camp Established
Jews are forced to labor.
The Final Soulition took place.
Heinrich Himler orders USSR, and Poland Ghettos to be destryed.
7,196 Jews are deported from the Lodz ghetto to Chelmno, where they are killed
The Death Mrches begin to the camps inside Germany
Liberation of Auschwitz
Soviet soldiers liberate the Death Camp Auschwitz, freeing the Jews who had lived through. -
Liberation of Concentration Camps
Bergen Belsen, and Dachau liberated by Allies -
Buchenwald is liberated by Americans
The Death of Adolf Hitler. Fuher of the 3rd Reich.
Adolf Hitler dies in his BUnker in Berlin, Germany "cause of death: Cyanide Pill" -
Israel Established