Hindenburg reelected President
Hindenburg revoked the ban on the SA and the SS
Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany
Nazis burn Reichstag Building to create Crisis atmostphere
Jew banned from Germany work force
Hitler becomes Fuhrer
Jews banned from serving in the military
Law passed to force abortions
The German Gestapo is placed above the law
Nazis occupy the Rhineland
Jews banned from proffesional occupations
'Eternal Jew' travelling exhibition opens in Munich
Nazis ordered Jews to register wealth and property
Nazis order Jews to wear a large, red J
Great Britian and France declare war on Germany
Soviets Attack East Poland
Nazis choose the sight for the Auschwitz camp
France signs an armistice with Hitler.
3,600 Jews arrested in Paris.
Nazis invade Russia
The start of deportation of Slovak Jews to Auschwitz.
German Jews are banned from using public transportation
Himmler talks openly about the Final Solution at Posen.
Jews in Rome rounded up, with over 1,000 sent to Auschwitz
Anne Frank and family are arrested by the Gestapo in Amsterdam, then sent to Auschwitz. Anne and her sister Margot are later sent to Bergen-Belsen where Anne dies of typhus on March 15, 1945.
Last use of the gas chambers at Auschwitz.
Nazis evacuate 66,000 from Auschwitz.
Berlin is reached by Russian troops.
Hitler commits suicide in his Berlin bunker.