Nazis outline political agendu
The first public meeting of the Nazi party, then called the german workers party -
The first volume of Kampf appears
Adolf Hitler wrote Mien Kampf while in prison for treason following his failed attempt to seize power in 1923 -
Nazi state enacts racial puratiy
strip jews from law qualifications.
Jews are prohibited from getting legal qualifications -
Nazi`s make jews ghange features to there passport/legal documents
Nazis require Jewish women to add Sarah and men to add Israel to their names on all legal documents including passports. -
Jews are prohibited from all legal practices
all jews have there pass ports changed
all jews have to have a giant red 'j' on there pass ports to know there jews -
the jews have to waer yellow stars
the nazi make the german jews were yellow stars -
SS Einsatzgruppen kills over 1 million jews
Auschwitz-Birkenau records its highest-ever daily gassed and burned
number of persons gassed and burned at just over 9,000, six huge pits is used to burn bodys