
  • Treaty of Versailles

    The outcome of WW1 for Germany was done politically and economically because, for example, Germany lost land, lost military, and had to pay money back to the winners
  • Hyper-Inflation

    It is when prices rise so that it gets out of control. For example, bread cost 2.37 marks in 1920, 3.90 marks in 1921, 163.15 marks in 1922, 250 marks in January, 474 marks in April, 3465 marks in July, 69000 marks in August, 1.512 million marks in September, 1.743 billion marks in October, 201 billion marks in November, and 399 billion marks in December all in 1923. Hyper- Inflation impacts Germany by throwing off their currency and it ticked people off to the point where they would hail to Na.
  • Beerhall Putsh

    Hitler attempts to overthrow the German government.
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    Republic Style Government

    The President was a popular war hero named Hindenburg. But, his health began to fail him in the early 1930's
  • Hitler on Trial

    Uses trial to give huge speech further blame Jews for problems of Germany.
  • Anne Frank is Born

  • Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler is a man who was a psycho who was the leader of the Nazis and the dictator of the Germans. As a result he gained so much power because he eliminated political rivals to be head of Nazis and he rose the popularity of Nazis forces Hindenburg to give him some power.
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    The Holocaust was a genocide that was meant to kill numerous Jewish people along as people who didn't have blue eyes and blonde hair.
  • Reichstag Fire of February

    Hitler blames the Communists for the fire.
  • Enabling Act of March 1933

    Basically gives power of decision making to Hitler. Within a few months, all other political parties besides the Nazis were eliminated. This allowed Hitler to get rid of all his rivals.
  • Official Boycott of Jewish Businesses

  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nazis needed a way to identify Jews so they could discriminate them. Nurermberg Laws defined people with 3 or 4 Jewish Grandparents as "Jewish" and 1 or 2 as "Mixed Blood." Impact of the Nuremberg Laws was Jews were denied citizenship, forbade from marrying non-Jews, cannot fly national flag, and the punishments included fines, imprisonment, and hard labor.
  • Kristallnacht

    An incident where Nazis in Germany torched synagogues, vandalized Jewish homes, schools, and businesses.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    "A World War will result in the destruction of the Jewish race in Europe."
  • Nazis begin rounding up millions of Jews and confining them to Ghettos

    Largest Ghettos were in cities like Warsaw or Lodz in Poland
  • Euthanasia Program

    Systematically killing those deemed "unworthy of life" due to physical disability of mental illness.
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    World War Two

  • Wannsee Conference

    Nazi leaders approve the "FINAL SOLUTION" or plan to EXTERMINATE THE JEWS.
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    Einsatzgruppen: Mobile Killing Squads or "Action Kommandos"

    As the army advanced into the Soviet Union, these groups would round up Jews from the newly occupied areas and kill them... usually by shooting.
  • Anne Frank's Family goes into hiding

    They went into hiding because Margot Frank had received a letter indicating that they were to report to a work camp in Germany. She went into hiding with Otto Frank, Edith Frank, Margot Frank, Hermann van Pells, Auguste van Pels, Peter van Pels, and Fritz Pfeffer. They went into hiding in the Frank's attic in their house.
  • Mr. Dussel moves into the Secret Annex

  • First Death Camp

    At about the same time, Zyklon B gas is first tested at the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp as a use for mass extermination. This would become the Nazis' "preferred method" for the Auschwitz- Birkunau and Majdanek camps.
  • Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

    Residents smuggled weapons in. Uprising lasted for about a month. SS troops arrested and deported residents after the uprising ended.
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    Camp Rebellions

    Prisoners fought back at death Treblinka Sobibor. After stealing weapons from guards, prisoners, tried to escape. Most were killed but a few dozen made it out and survived the war. Members of the Sonderkommando working in the Crematorium fought SS guards killing over 70, but all 250 as well as 200 others were killed in response.
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    Death Marches

    Allies advancing toward death camps. Nazis evacuate prisoners, march them into Germany to avoid capture. Brutal treatment and harsh condition along the way.
  • Secret Annex is discovered and captured by Nazis.

  • Liberation of Concentration Camps

    Liberation was the act of setting someone free from imprisonment. The challenges Jewish people may have faced after the liberation was not being able to go anywhere and not knowing if their family was alive.
  • Liberation

    Camps throughout Europe are liberated by allied forces.
  • How the War Ends

    Hitler commits suicide rather than face capture by the Soviet Red Army. German surrenders within a week.
  • Anne's death is confirmed to Otto Frank

  • Mr. Frank returns to the annex and finds Anne's Diary

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    Nuremberg Trials

    The Allies and the International Community put a number of Germans on trial for War Crimes, Crimes Against Peace and Crimes Against Humanity.
  • Displaced Persons Camps

    Areas for former prisoners to stay while searching for family and a permanent place to live