
  • Nov 8, 1387

    Anti-Semitic exhibitions open in Munich

    Anti-Semitic exhibitions open in Munich
    The exhibitions showed stereotypical pictures of Jewish people to show charges of the Jewish conspiracy against Germany
  • Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany

    Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany
    The German president chose Nazi leader, Hitler to be Chancellor of the German government
  • Reichstag Fire Decree

    Reichstag Fire Decree
    The German Reichstag building burned down due to arson, President Hindenburg issues the Decree for the Protection of People and the Reich.
  • Night of the Long Knight

    Night of the Long Knight
    as the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler orders the Nazi's start a violent purge
  • German criminal code

    German criminal code
    You cannot be homosexual it was considered moral crusade to racially and culturally purify Germany
  • Olympic games open

    Olympic games open
    They removed anti-Jewish signs from public display and restrained anti-Jewish activities
  • Jewish concentration camps open

    Jewish concentration camps open
    Most of the inmates were political prisoners, but still German SS and police sent almost 10,000 Jews to the camp authorities and subjected them to very cruel treatment and many Jews died
  • Kristallnacht

    The rioters destroyed hundreds of synagogues, the German public and looted more than 7,000 Jewish-owned businesses and other commercial establishments