Holocaust events 1931-1945

  • WWI

    World War One started in 1914 and ended In 1918. The Germans lost, and the effects leaded to Jews being blamed. This started antisemitism.
  • rise of hitler

    adolf hitler comes into control, making the nazai party take over germany. he was a Chancellor.
  • antisemtic laws

    the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor was created, banning Jews and Germans from getting married. this was one of the many laws they created in this time
  • creation of Ghettos

    Ghettos were created to isolate Jews, and it did this by forcing them to live together in one area with unsanitary conditions.
  • WWII

    Nazi Germany began World War II, and by 1942 controlled most of Europe, using this power to mass murder the jews in that area
  • a new policy

    The mass murder of Europe jews became a policy, referred to as the “final solution to the Jewish question” they would do mass shootings as a popular way of the killing.
  • killing centers

    late 1941 killing centers were created. inside of these centers they held and mass murdered jews, disguising it as evaluation transports.
  • Ending

    The holocaust came to an end due to nazai germany being defeated by the allied powers in WWII. the allied powers liberated surviving prisioners and survivers of death marches