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  • Reichstag Fire Decree

    Reichstag Fire Decree
    president Hindenburg suspends constitutional protections in Germany.
  • Anti-Jewish Boycott

    Anti-Jewish Boycott
    Members of the Nazi party and its affiliated organizations a nationwide boycott of Jewish-owned businesses in Germany.
  • Book burning

    Book burning
    Books deemed "un-German" are publicly burned throughout Germany.
  • Editors Law

    Editors Law
    New German law forbids non-"Aryans" to work in journalism.
  • Death of German president Von Hindenburg

    Death of German president Von Hindenburg
    Adolf Hitler becomes president of Germany.
  • Ban on Jehovahs witness organizations

    Ban on Jehovahs witness organizations
    The German government bans all organizations of the Jehovah's witness Christian denomination.
  • Nuremberg race laws

    Nuremberg race laws
    The Nuremberg laws of 1935 herald a new wave of anti-Semitic legislation that brings immediate and concrete segregation.
  • Anti-Jewish laws in Hungary

    Anti-Jewish laws in Hungary
    Hungary adopts comprehensive anti-Jewish laws and measures.