holocaust (brock)

  • beer hall putsch

    beer hall putsch
    allows for Hitler to rise to power (failed but added controversy)
  • mein kampf

    mein kampf
    Hitlers autobiography after his failed coup in munich
  • Hitler rises to power

    Hitler rises to power
  • jewish boycott

    jewish boycott
    the 24 hour long boycott of all Jewish goods in Germany, it only lasted 24 hours because nobody followed it
  • Die Nürnberger Gesetze

    Die Nürnberger Gesetze
    laws dictating the race hiarchy with pure germans on top, mixed blood in the middle, and jews at the bottom
  • Period: to

    forced imigration

    nazi Germany forced jews to immigrate out of germany
  • Period: to


    the world wide conflict between the axis and allies
  • Jewish identification and ghettoization

    Jewish identification and ghettoization
    all jews are forced to wear white armbands to identify them as a jew and are forced into poor and cramped living conditions
  • post polish invasion

    all polish jews (over 12) are sent to labor camps
  • mass shootings

    "German units began to carry out mass shootings of local Jews. At first, these units targeted Jewish men of military age. But by August 1941, they had started massacring entire Jewish communities. These massacres were often conducted in broad daylight and in full view and earshot of local residents."
  • start of extermination camps

    start of extermination camps
    "In late 1941, the Nazi regime began building specially designed, stationary killing centers in German-occupied Poland. Nazi Germany operated five killing centers: Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, and Auschwitz-Birkenau. They built these killing centers for the sole purpose of efficiently murdering Jews on a mass scale. The primary means of murder at the killing centers was poisonous gas released into sealed gas chambers or vans."
  • Period: to

    the final solution

    "The Nazi “Final Solution to the Jewish Question” was the deliberate and systematic mass murder of European Jews. It was the last stage of the Holocaust and took place from 1941 to 1945. Though many Jews were killed before the "Final Solution" View This Term in the Glossary began, the vast majority of Jewish victims were murdered during this period."
  • liquification of the ghettos

    liquification of the ghettos
    Beginning in 1941–1942, Germans and their allies and collaborators murdered ghetto residents en masse and dissolved ghetto administrative structures. They called this process “liquidation.” The majority of Jews in the ghettos were murdered either in mass shootings at nearby killing sites or after deportation to killing centers. Most of the killing centers were deliberately located near the large ghettos of German-occupied Poland or on easily-accessible railway routes.
  • Period: to

    mass labor camps

    everyone but the Germans were made to work in the labor camps
  • end of the holocaust

    The Holocaust ended in May 1945 when the major Allied Powers defeated Nazi Germany in World War II. As Allied forces moved across Europe in a series of offensives, they overran concentration camps. There they liberated the surviving prisoners, many of whom were Jews. The Allies also encountered and liberated the survivors of death marches. These forced marches consisted of groups of Jewish and non-Jewish concentration camp inmates who had been evacuated on foot from camps under SS guard.