Treaty of Versailles
After losing the war Germany had to sign a treaty that was not in their favor but they signed it so they don't lose more. After the signing Germany became poor and went in to a bad stage and then Hitler comes along ans "Saves them". -
Anne Frank birth
Anne Frank is born. -
The Holocaust is were the Nazis killed the Jews and every one else that did not live up to their recommendation of blond hair and blue eyes. It had 11 million deaths in it 6 million were Jewish (1.5 million were kids) and 5 million were undesirable. This was one of the most sades and horrific moments in history. -
Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
Adolph Hitler was the leader of the Nazis and he became chancellor because of his talent. His talents are with speech and organization/smart. He gain so much power because he said the stuff Germany wanted to hear like becoming powerful. -
This is the night that the Nazis showed hatred toward Jewish people by jumping people and breaking glass for Jewish stores. -
Liberation of Concentration camps
This is were the Nazis had all the power and had capture all the Jews and sent them some where ghetto. Then they would put them on a train that will take them to a concentration camp or a Extermination camp (a death camp)