
  • Crystal night

    Crystal night
    It the day when German people starts breaking windows from Jewish homes and workforce because they believe that they are evil and so what they do that they'll beat them up of burn their home or work sight to be control of their country.
  • Nazi invade Poland

    Nazi invade Poland
    The reason why they did it was because on the other side of Poland was a small land of Germany (East Germany) and so they invade small parts of Poland so that it can increase their militarisation.
  • Declaring war

    Britain said to the nazi that they could control Czech if that they wouldn't invade Poland but they disobey that order and invade that country filled with the Jews, and so they declare war on the nazi
  • Nazi in control

    Nazi in control
    The anti Jewish policies are imposed in nazi-occupied Denmark, Norway,Holland,Belgium and other parts of Europe was dominated by the nazi party
  • Blitz attack on Europe

    Blitz attack on Europe
    Nazi attack Uk major parts even London but spitfires and huricanes bombers on a cold night, intensely and brutal causing hundred thousand fatalities and injuries
  • Russian under attack

    Russian under attack
    Nazi forces invade Soviet Union but it wasn't a victory to the nazi party. After 9 months they had to eat furniture store, pets and the portion was one- third of the average adult meal.
  • the Execution

    the Execution
    Nearly 6 million Russian and Jews are murdered by the Einzatzgruppen (extermination squads) by starvation or something that is far worst to describe it.
  • Jews saved by a Nazi?

    Jews saved by a Nazi?
    Oskar Schindler (April 28,1908-October 9,1974) was a member of the nazi party who saved the lives of 1,200 Jews during the Holocaust by employing them in his enamelware and ammunitions factories for the nazi (The Date of when he save them is unknown).
  • Death of the third rench

    Death of the third rench
    After Rassia and and the allied side were winning and they were about to get Hitler soon, Adolf got married with his Jewish girlfriend for 2 days and died from committing suicide as well as his wife.