
  • Killing Operations Begin at Chelmno

    Killing Operations Begin at Chelmno
    Killing Operation starts Chelmno killing center. It was established by the SS and German authorities to destroy the Jewish population.
  • Hitler Appointed Chancellor

    Hitler Appointed Chancellor
    The Nazi party took control of Germany. Hitler was appointed chancellor. The Enabling Act of 1933 allowed Hitler to have control and enable laws without permission.
  • Röhm Affair

    Röhm Affair
    Hitler orders the SS to murder the SA Chief of Staff. He also ordered the to murder critics of Nazi reign. The killings were passed as ok because Hitler said they were planning to overthrow the government.
  • Deportation of Dutch Jews

    Deportation of Dutch Jews
    German authorities started the deportation of Dutch Jews. By September 3, 1944 around 100 trains have carried more than 100,000 people to Auschwitz.
  • Sobibor Uprising

    Sobibor Uprising
    Jewish people revolted against the germans at a camp armed. 300 Jews escaped. The SS captured and killed about 100 of them.
  • Attempt to Assassinate Hitler

    Attempt to Assassinate Hitler
    The German military officers try to assassinate Hitler. They left a bomb in a briefcase. Hitler however survived the blast.