
By olaisnt
  • Adolf Hitler appointed chancellor

    Adolf Hitler appointed chancellor
    The Nazi Party took control of the German state. On Jan 30,1933, Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor. The Nazi and German people's party are members of the coalition.
  • Anti-Jewish Boycott

    Anti-Jewish Boycott
    Less then 3 months after coming to power, the Nazi leadership targeted Jewish-owned businesses and the offices of Jewish Professionals. The boycott was an act of revenge for the bad international press against Germany. It only lasted one day, and individual Germans continued to shop at the stores.
  • Reichstag Speech

    Reichstag Speech
    Adolf Hitler tells the World that the outbreak of war would mean the end of Jews in Europe
  • German Invasion on Poland

    German Invasion on Poland
    Germany invades Poland, starting WWII in Europe. They didn't waste any time and got straight to breaking through their defenses. After Polish lost, German authorities began enforcing racial policies in territories.
  • Auschwitz Camp was Established

    Auschwitz Camp was Established
    It was the largest concentration camp established by the Nazi regime. It had three main camps and was located about 37 miles west of Krakow. It was their land that they annexed in 1939 after their invasion on Poland
  • "Euthanasia" Killings

    "Euthanasia" Killings
    German health care professionals murdered about 70,000 people at "euthanasia" places. The killing occupations continued, but with adults and children with physical and mental disabilities. The methods used were starvation, lethal injection, and deliberate failure to treat serious disease.
  • Deportation of Dutch Jews

    Deportation of Dutch Jews
    Germany began the deportation of Dutch Jews from the camps in Netherlands. About 100 trains have carried more than 100,000 people to Auschwitz, Sobibor, and more. It included 60,000 Jews to Auschwitz, and 34,000 Jews to Sobibor
  • Hitler Kills Himself

    Hitler Kills Himself
    As the allied powers started to move Hitler was stuck on how to escape. Soviet forces moved near his command bunker un central Berlin. On April 30,1945, Hitler commits suicide. He saw it as the only way to escape/ end his plan.