Trying to draw someone running by crazysketcher52 d3223ut


  • Silencing the Enemy

    Silencing the Enemy
    Hitler and the Nazis focused on silencing all their political opponents-- Communists, liberals, socialists, or anyone else who spoke against the Nazi regime.
  • Purging of the Higher-Ups

    Purging of the Higher-Ups
    Hitler orders all non-Aryans to be removed from government jobs.
  • Nuremburg Laws

    Nuremburg Laws
    Stripped Jews of all their German rights and citizenships, jobs and property. They also had to wear a bright yellow Star of David to make sure everyone knew that they were Jewish.
  • Kristallnacht

    "Night of broken Glass", Nazi SA attacked Jewish homes, synogauges and businesses across Germany. 100 Jews died and many injured, later the Nazis blamed the Jews for the violence.
  • Plight of St. Louis

    Plight of St. Louis
    A German liner, full of people fleeing Germany, wanted refuge in the US, but the US did not let them into the country, even though some of them had papers that allowed them into the country. So they had to turn around back to Europe.
  • Final Solution

    Final Solution
    Hitler's desire to rid Europe of Jews led to condemning the Jews, puttinog then in concentration camps, (camps to work them to death and ship them to death camps held across "Festung Europa") stripping them of their rights, forcing relocation, and finally, extermination of the Jewish race. Others targeted were Gypsies, homosexuals, Communists, and others.
  • Death Camps

    Death Camps
    Nazis built death camps all over Europe, but mainly in Poland. Auschwitz, Chelmno, and many others were built in order to carry out the Final Solution.
  • Final Stage

    Final Stage
    In order to make the genocide of the Jewish race faster, top Nazi officials and Hitler agreed upon using gas chambers in order to hasten the extermination of the Jews.