Political Power
The Nazi's had concentrated on silencing their political opponents like communists, socialists, liberals, and anyone who spoke out against the government. -
The Persecution Begins
All Non-Aryans are removed from their government jobs. -
Nuremberg Laws
Persecution of the Jews increases. The Nuremberg Laws stripped Jews of their German citizenship, jobs, and property.They were forced to wear a bright yellow Star of David on their clothes to easliy be identified as a Jew. -
Kristallnacht, or "Night of Broken Glass." Nazi storm troopers attacked Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues across Germany. Many Jews were killed, injured, and arrested. -
St. Louis
The St. Louis was a German ocean liner full of 943 Jews who were turned back to Germany after being denied the right to disembark from the ship. More than half of the passengers were later killed in the Holocaust. -
The Final Solution
The Final Solution was a policy of genocide, or the killing of an entire population. Hitler believed that the Aryans were a superior race. The Nazi's persecuted Jews, Gypsies, Freemasons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Homosexuals, the mentally deficient, the mentally ill, the physically disabled, and the incurably ill. Concentrations camps, or labor camps, were set up to imprison the undesirables. Life inside the camps was a cycle of hunger, humiliation, and death. People were kept in crammed barracks. -
Death Camps
The third method of killing invovling several huge gas chambers in which as many as 12,000 people could be killed a day. The Germans built 6 death camps in Poland. Auschwitz was the largest of the camps. You were either strong enough to work or killed in the gas chambers. Prisoners were told they were going to shower but upon entering were poisoned with cyanide gas spewing from vents. The bodies were late burned in a large pit, or crematorium. -
The Final Stage
The methods of killing included; overwork, starvation, beatings, shootings, gas chambers, hangings, being injected with poison, or horrible medical experiments.