
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

    Hitler becomes Chancellor
    Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany by Paul von Hindenburg
  • The Reichstag Fire

    The Reichstag Fire
    The Reichstag burned down. The Nazi party used this to blame the communist so they could have a reason for an emergency act. The act is The Reichstag Fire Decree which abolished constitutional protections that paved a way for the Nazi party to take over.
  • Enabling Act

    Enabling Act
    German Parliament passes the Enabling Act which granted the German Cabinet the power to make and enforce laws without involvement of parliament or the president. This is how Hitler legally gained dictatorial power.
  • German President dies

    President von Hindenburg dies, and Hitler receives a 90% 'yes' vote from German voters approving.
  • Jews lose rights / Nuremburg Laws

    Jews lose rights / Nuremburg Laws
    1933-1945 Jews lose nearly every right they have. They can't own land, be newspaper editors, have health insurance, legal practices, serving in military etc. Nuremburg laws were antisemitic and racist laws in Nazi Germany during the Holocaust.
  • Nazi's enter Austria

    Nazi's enter Austria
    Nazi troops enter Austria which has 200,000 Jews. Hitler announces union with Austria.
  • St. Louis

    St. Louis
    The St. Louis ship with nearly 1,000 Jews is turned away from Cuba, the United States and other countries returns to Europe. The Jews died in the Holocaust.
  • Nazi Invasions

    Nazi Invasions
    Nazi troops invade Belgium, France, Holland, and Luxemburg. Total Jewish population of these countries was approximately half a million Jews.
  • Nazi Forced March

    Nazi Forced March
    Nazi force 25,000 Jews to walk over 100 miles in snow and rain from Budapest to the Austrian border. Followed by another forced march of 50,000 people, ending at Mauthausen.