
  • assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    starts a massive armed conflict in Europe known as the "first world war"
  • the Armenian genocide

    ottoman authorities arrest 240 Armenian leaders in Constantinople and deport them to the east
  • battle of Somme

    heaviest loss of life in a single day during WW1
  • Adolf Hitler issues comments on the "Jewish question"

    A.H. issues the first written comment on the so called Jewish
  • Nazi party platform

    A.H. presents a 25 point plan at a Nazi party metting
  • beer hall putsch

    Hitler and the Nazi party attempt to overthrow the weimer republic
  • A.H. becomes leader of the reestablished Nazi party

    after serving 9 months for treason he declares reformation on the NSDAP as him as the leader
  • Anne Frank was born

    Anne Frank becomes a symbol for the lost promise of children who died in the holocaust
  • Bela Weichhiurz Diary Entry

    a proud young father pastes two photos into his extensive family journals
  • Hitler campaign speech

    Hitler attacks the Wiemar Republic and pledges to dissolve the parliamentary system
  • Franklen D Roosevelt elected president of the U.S.A

    F.D.R wins the most votes in america
  • world war 1 recovery

    struggled to recover as a country due to the deaths and injuries of millions of civilians and soldiers