
  • Hitler becomes chancellor

    Hitler becomes chancellor
    Hitler of the nazi power come to the power being appointed chancellor by Paul von Hindenburg
  • Deletion of the Presidental Office

    Deletion of the Presidental Office
    Hilter abolished the office of presidents in Germany making him the overall leader/dictator of Germany.
  • Anti Jewish laws in Hungargy

    Racial laws adopted in Hungary between 1938 and 1941 were based on the Nuremberg Laws of Germany. The rules prohibited marrying Jews and non-Jews, defined "Jews" in so-called racial criteria, and prohibited Jews from fully participating in a number of professions.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    German forces soon pushed on Warsaw, the capital of Poland, after breaching Polish border barriers. Jewish and non-Jewish refugees numbering in the hundreds of thousands fled the German advance in the hope that the Polish army would be able to stop it
  • Jewish Badge

    Jewish Badge
    All Jews above the age of six are required to wear identification in the Reich, Alsace, Bohemia-Moravia, and the Warthegau, a region of western Poland that Germany conquered.
  • Theresienstadt established

    Theresienstadt  established
    Theresienstadt, which served as a "settlement," an assembly camp, and a concentration camp, featured characteristics of both ghettos and concentration camps but was neither technically a ghetto nor a concentration camp.
  • Danish Jew escape

    Danish Jew escape
    Between September 20 and October, 7,200 or so Danish Jews flee to Sweden.
  • Hitler Commit suicide

    Hitler commits suicide in his berlin bunker