Cleaning the street after kristallnacht

Holocaust 1933-1945 (9th Grade World History)

  • Boycotting Jewish Busines

    Boycotting Jewish Busines
    The Boycott of Jewish Businesses
    After Hitler was elected in 1932, he set in motion the beginnings of his crusade against the Jewish people of Germany and eventually, in all of Europe. The Boycott of Jewish Businesses on April 1, 1933 reflects the first overt action taken by the Nazi regime against German Jews.
  • Period: to

    THe Holocaust; 1933-1945

    A look at the critical events of the Holocaust, spanning from 1933-1945. This time is meant to be a classroom aid in creating a museum project, intended for use in a 9th grade world history classroom.
  • Nuremberg Race Laws

    Nuremberg Race Laws
    The Nuremberg Race Laws
    With the Nuremberg Race Laws, Hitler transformed the beliefs of the Nazi Party into Law. It created a distinction between Jews and German citizens, defining Jews as anyone who has three or four Jewish grandparents, regardless or current religious beliefs or affiliations.
  • Kristallnacht, "Night of Broken Glass"

    Kristallnacht, "Night of Broken Glass"
    Kristallnacht,"The Night of Broken Glass"
    Seemingly an unplanned outbreak of violence against Jews throughout Germany, Kristallnacht was an organized assault by the German minister of propaganda. Over the course of two days Synagogues were burned, Jewish businesses were destroyed and Germans attacked Jewish schools, hospitals and cemeteries.
  • Ghettos

    Life in the GhettosGhettos in Poland
    After invading Poland, Hitler saught to segrigate the population of German and Polish Jews now under his control. Jewish people in Germany adn the now concured poland were forced into life in Ghettos, built mostly in offcupied poland.
  • The Wannsee Conference: The Final Solution

    The Wannsee Conference: The Final Solution
    <a href='' >The Wansee Conference: The Final Solution
    By the start of 1942, it was clear to the Nazi regime that killing squads were not effective or cost efficient. At the Wansee Conference, High ranking Nazi military and government officials devised "The Final Solution", a plan that systematically called for the genocide of 6million European Jews.
  • The Camps

    The Camps
    Nazi Camp SystemAt the Killing CentersDeportations
    Built along the rail system, Nazi death Camps were the culmination of "The Final Solution.” Jews, homosexuals, Roma Gypsies, POWs, and Christians all faced death by the gas chamber or were worked to death.
  • Liberation

    As the United States and Great Brittan moved in from the west and the Soviet Union From the east, it became clear that Germany was caught in a pincer movement that would converge on the death camps hidden in the center of Poland. Nazi's forced the prisoners to go on death marches as they burned as much evidence as they could before their actions at the death camps were uncovered by allied forces.