Holocaust 1931-1945

  • Hitler Appointed Chancellor

    Hitler Appointed Chancellor
    Adolf Hitler became the German chancellor, which is the highest position of power.
  • Reichstag Fire Decree

    Reichstag Fire Decree
    Hindenburg released the decree for the Protection of People and the Reich as a result of the German Parliament building burning down.
  • Establishment of Dachau Camp

    Establishment of Dachau Camp
    Outside of the town Dachau, Germany the first concentration camp was made. It's main goal was to jail and decease the political opponents.
  • Law Limits Jews in Public Schools

    Law Limits Jews in Public Schools
    The German government made a law that caused a limit to the number of Jews allowed in public schools. Even stopping the from studying law and medicine.
  • Hitler Abolishes the Office of President

    Hitler Abolishes the Office of President
    Hilter names himself Fuher of the German Reich after abolishing the President, adding power to his position as Chancellor.
  • Revision of Paragraph 175

    Revision of Paragraph 175
    Paragraphs 175 and 175a of the German criminal code was revised by the German Ministry of Justice. This edit expanded the criminal offenses to encompass any sexual contact.
  • Jesse Owens Competes in Olympic Games.

    Jesse Owens Competes in Olympic Games.
    18 African American athletes played for USA in 1936, with track and field being their most popular dominating sport. Jesse Owens was the main athlete to catch the eyes of journalists.
  • German Annexation of Austria

    German Annexation of Austria
    Austria was added into the German Reich after German troops invaded Austria. This was known as the "Anschluss."