Holocaust 1931-1945

  • The start of holocaust

    In this time Hitler has just came into office and is now making decisions his first decision is to get the jews excluded from being part of the German community pressuring them to emigrate and seclude themselves due to laws
  • Period: to

    the calm period

    in this time Germany was planning and setting up for what they where about to do to the germans

    The Treaty required the new German Government to surrender 10 percent of its territory or land and all of it ships boats or anything overseas
  • no one intervened

    Hitler sent the German troops to occupy the Rhineland. The part where the forces where is where France was Even though the treaty that he signed said no. But no one cared They did not react to hitler actions
  • The invade on Norway

    Hitler planned to invade norway April 1st for the day of April 9 hitler wanted to secure ice-free harbors from naval forces could seek to control the North Atlantic so he wnated more thing and more power
  • ghettos

    on april 30 1940 Jews in Lodz were forced to move to a designated ghetto area where things were very bad duing wintes they barley had anyfood clothes houses and they still had to work for the germans
  • Concentration camps

    Almost a month after creating the ghettos Hitler created a Concentration camp this camp was located camp was located on the outskirts of Oswiecim in German-occupied Poland.There were about 1.3 million jews in the camp and they all died
  • Mass jew killing (operation Reinhard)

    This was the start of the mass killing of the jews. Because Germany started getting into a war about racial and rights Germany tried and did kill many millions of jews. Killing them in ghettos concentration camps their homes. In total 17 million jews where killed and hitler was never found