The condemned
After taking power in 1993, thenNazis had concentrated on silencing their political opponents-communists, socialist, liberals, and anyone else who spoke out against them. -
Persecution Begins
Soon after Hitler takes power in Germany, he odered all "non-Aryans" to be removed from government jobs -
Jews are targeted
in 1935, the Nuremburg Laws strip[ped Jews of their German citizenship, jobs, and property. To make it easier for the Nazis to identify them, Jews had to wear a bright yellow Star of David attached to their clothing -
Period: to
Night of Broken Glass
Nazi storm troopers attacked Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues across Germany. -
the Plight of St. Louis
German ocean liner passed Miami in 1939. Although 740 of the liners 943 passengers had u.s. immigration papers, the coast guard followed the ship to prevent enyone from disembarking in America -
The Final Solution
The policy of genocide is now part of hitler's government, targeting groups like jews, gypises, freemasons, jehovah's witnesses, homosexuals, mentally ill, and physically disabled. This genocide was supposed to help lead to the "master race." -
Nazi Deatch Camps
The people that were targeted in the genocide, mainly Jews, were put into Nazi death camps. The first death camp, Chelmno, had several gas chambers, that would kill as many as 12000 people a day. In Auschwitz, the largst death camp, prisoners were mad to believe they were going to shower, they were then exicuted in the gas chambers. -
The Final Stage
Though the Nazi's had several methods of killing Jews, the deadliest by far was the gas chamber.