
Holes Timeline

  • Exposition

    Characters (important ones)
    Characters from Main Story:
    Stanley - protagonist.
    Group Members - Zero (Hector Zeroni), X-Ray, Zigzag, Armpit, Magnet, and Squid.
    Mr. Pendanski, Mr. Sir, and the Warden - Camp Green Lake owners/leaders
    Characters from the subplot:
    Elya Yelnats - Stanley's no-good-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather.
    Madame Zeroni - Hector/Zero's great-great-great-grandmother.
    Characters from Parallel Plot:
    Kate Barlow
    Sam the Onion Man
    Trout Walker
    (Not all characters are listed)
  • Expostition (2)

    Main Story - Camp Green Lake and Stanleys home town in Texas
    Subplot - Latvia and America
    Parallel Plot - Green Lake
  • Exposition (3)

    In this story Stanley is arrested for a crime and sent to Camp Green Lake.
  • Initial Incident

    The initial incident in this story is when Zero steals the shoes from the homeless shelter. Zero puts the shoes on a car and the shoes fall off the car while it is on an overpass. Stanley is walking home from school when the shoes fall on his head. Stanley is arrested and sent to camp Green Lake for 18 months. Zero is Sent to this camp too.
  • Rising Action

    The rising action in Holes is when Stanley and Zero depelope a friendship. They make a deal that if Stanley teaches Zero to read and write, Zero would dig a portion of Stanleys hole everyday. The boys in group D get jealous and tention between all the boys then leads to a fight.
  • Rising Action (2)

    When the fight breaks out, Mr. Pendanski taunts Zero about being stupid. Zero hits Mr. Pendanski with a shovel and Zero runs away from camp.
  • Climax

    The Climax in this story is when the Stanley goes into the water truck and drives away. He accidentally drove into a hole, he decides to run and find Zero.
  • Falling Action

    Stanley finds Zero. They plan to return to camp and when everyone is sleeing they will go to the hole that Stanley found the gold lipstick tube in. The boys uncover a suitcase and the Warden wants it. The warden claims to the lawyer that the boys took the suitcase from her room, but Zero tells them that the suittcase has Stanley Yelnats written across of it.
  • Falling Action (2)

    Stanley is proven innocent by Derrick Dunne, who provided an alliby for Stanley. A lawyer and Attorney General come to get Stanley, but Stanley won't leave without Zero. The A.G. can't find Zero's files so the Lawer takes Zero and Stanley. Squid asks Stanley if he can call his mom for him.
  • Denouement

    The boys discover jewels in the suitcase and paperwork. The jewels come out to be around $20, 000 but the paperwork makes Stanley and Zero almost one million dollars. Stanley's father invents a cure for smelly feet. Clyde is the spokesperson for the product. Camp Green Lake is turned into a Girl Scout Camp.